This site is for the Texian Rally, an annual educational event hosted by the historic tourism Texas Independence Trail Region. Anyone may attend.
Travel the Texas Independence Trail Region
If you would like more information about this historic Region and traveling 28-county area, read the summary below and go to our State website at https://texastimetravel.com/regions/independence-trail/
You may also fill out the contact form below for specific requests.
ABOUT THE TEXAS INDEPENDENCE TRAIL REGION: One of seven regions in the Texas Historical Commission's Texas Heritage Trails Program. Experience Texas' struggle for independence and its years as a sovereign republic (1836-1845). The region covers 28 southeast Texas counties as it reaches from Liberty (east of Houston) along the Gulf Coast Galveston to Refugio to San Antonio into the west and to Washington and Bastrop counties in the north. We encourage travelers to find the spirit of Texas through the story—our fight—for independence. The larger-than-life images of explorers, heroes, and settlers such as Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle, Stephen F. Austin, Sam Houston and Davy Crockett resonate throughout the state, U.S. and beyond as visitors can relive this dynamic history. Festivals, bird sanctuaries, shopping in historic downtowns, metropolitan areas, countrysides blanketed with wildflowers & trees, ranging from lordly pines to mesquite, beaches, lakes, rivers and historic landmarks can all be enjoyed when you drive across the Independence Trail Region.
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